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CDC Guidance on Dealing with Disruptive Customers

CDC Guidance on Dealing with Disruptive Customers

CDC has issued guidance for limiting workplace violence associated with COVID-19 prevention policies in retail and service business. This information is intended for use by employers and employees in retail, services and other customer-based businesses such as winery tasting rooms, that are open and using state, municipality company-directed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention policies and practices to minimize the spread of the virus among employees and customers. Recommended strategies can be adapted to a winery’s specific needs.

These strategies specifically address incidences that may occur when businesses put in place COVID-19 policies and practices, such as  requiring masks to be worn by employees and customers, asking customers to follow social distancing rules, and setting limits on the number of customers allowed in a business facility at one time.

Workplace violence is “violent acts, including physical assaults and threats of assault, directed toward persons at work or on duty.” Workplace violence includes:

  • Threat: verbal, written, and physical expressions that could reasonably be interpreted as intending to cause harm.
  • Verbal assault: yelling, swearing, insulting or bullying another person with the intent of hurting or causing harm. Unlike physical assaults, the intent is not necessarily to cause physical harm, but negative emotions of the person being assaulted.
  • Physical assault: hitting, slapping, kicking, pushing, choking, grabbing or other physical contact with the intent of causing injury or harm.

Conflict resolution is the process of finding a peaceful end to a conflict or argument.

nonviolent response is a peaceful approach to address a situation in which a person is aggressive or threatening. This technique involves remaining calm, giving a person space, making sure other people are in the area, and not touching the person or trying to forcibly remove them.

Workplace violence and COVID-19

Workers may be threatened and assaulted as businesses try to put into place COVID-19 prevention policies and practices (e.g., mandatory use of maskssocial distancing, and limits on the number of customers allowed in a business). These threats and assaults can come from customers, other employees or employers. Based on a 1996 Current Intelligence Bulletin, threats and assaults can happen in any workplace, but may be more likely to occur in retail, services (e.g., restaurants), and other customer- or client-based businesses.

Resources & Trainings on Workplace Violence

Employers and employees can use the following resources and trainings to learn more about how to prevent and deal with workplace violence:

Employers can take action to prevent workplace violence

  • Offer customers options to minimize their contact with others and promote social distancing. These options can include curbside pick-up; personal shoppers; home delivery for groceries, food, and other services; and alternative shopping hours.
  • Post signs that let customers know about policies for wearing maskssocial distancing, and the maximum number of people allowed in a business facility.
  • Advertise COVID-19-related policies on the business website.
  • Provide employee training on threat recognition, conflict resolution, nonviolent response, and on any other relevant topics related to workplace violence response.
  • Put in place steps to assess and respond to workplace violence. Response will depend on the severity of the violence and on the size and structure of the business. Possible responses may include reporting to a manager or supervisor on-duty, calling security or calling 911.
  • Remain aware of and support employees and customers if a threatening or violent situation occurs.
  • Assign two workers to work as a team to encourage COVID-19 prevention policies be followed, if staffing permits.
  • Install security systems (e.g., panic buttons, cameras, alarms) and train employees on how to use them.
  • Identify a safe area for employees to go to if they feel they are in danger (e.g., a room that locks from the inside, has a second exit route, and has a phone or silent alarm).

Provide Employee Training: Warning Signs & Response

Employee training on workplace violence typically covers definitions and types of violence, risk factors and warning signs for violence, prevention strategies, and ways to respond to threatening, potentially violent, or violent situations.

Warning Signs

As part of training, employees often learn verbal and non-verbal cues that may be warning signs of possible violence. Verbal cues can include speaking loudly or swearing. Non-verbal cues can include clenched fists, heavy breathing, fixed stare, and pacing, among other behaviors. The more cues shown, the greater the risk of violence.


During training, employees also learn how to appropriately respond to potentially violent or violent situations. Responses range from paying attention to a person and maintaining non-threatening eye contact to using supportive body language and avoiding threatening gestures, such as finger pointing or crossed-arms.