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Bottle Bill – Iowa

Iowa’s Beverage Containers Control Law

Last Updated: Nov. 21, 2024
Below is the information we have at this time; it will be updated as more information becomes available.


Iowa’s bottle bill deposit law covers all carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Consumers pay a five-cent deposit when purchasing a beverage container and receive a five-cent refund when returning the container to a store or redemption center.

All covered containers A(alcohol and non-alcohol) should be registered with the Iowa Department of Revenue through GovConnectIowa by the “Distributor.” Under Iowa Code section 455C.5(1)(b), the UPC is required for each “beverage container.”


Beverages Included in the Bottle Bill

Is wine included in the bottle bill?

  • Yes

Are wine (coolers) products or wine-based ready-to-drink beverages included in the bottle bill?

  • Yes


  • “Beverage” means wine as defined in section 123.3, subsection 37, alcoholic liquor as defined in section 123.3, subsection 5, beer as defined in section 123.3, subsection 7, mineral water, soda water and similar carbonated soft drinks in liquid form and intended for human consumption.
  • “Wine” means any beverage containing more than 5% but not more than 17% alcohol by weight obtained by the fermentation of the natural sugar contents of fruits or other agricultural products but excluding any product containing alcohol derived from malt or by the distillation process from grain, cereal, molasses, or cactus.

Beverage Containers Included in the Bottle Bill

Are wine containers included in the bottle bill?

  • Yes

Are wine cooler containers included in the bottle bill?

  • Yes


  • “Beverage container” means any sealed glass, plastic, or metal bottle, can, jar or carton containing a beverage
  • Paper cartons (boxed wine, tetra paks) are effectively excluded from the deposit law because they are not glass, plastic, or metal.
  • Mini liquor bottles are exempt from labeling but still covered by the law. A label won’t be visible, but they are eligible for redemption as a deposit was paid on them

Is there a DTC Exemption?

Is there a DTC Exemption?

  • Yes – wine containers sold and shipped to consumers in Iowa under a Wine Direct Shipper permit are excluded from the bottle bill program.



CRV Labeling

Labeling Requirements:

567Ð107.3(455C) Labeling requirements.
107.3(1) All beer, wine, alcoholic liquor, mineral water, soda water and similar carbonated soft
drink containers (other than exempt containers) sold or offered for sale in Iowa by a dealer shall have
the words “Iowa Refund 5¢º or “IA 5¢º clearly, indelibly and legibly indicated on the container. If the
refund value is more than 5 cents, the greater value may be indicated, e.g., “Iowa Refund 10¢º or “IA
10¢.º Any abbreviation of the words “Iowa Refundº other than as provided in this subrule shall be
submitted to and approved by the department.
107.3(2) The minimum size of the words “Iowa Refund 5¢º or “IA 5¢º and all approved abbrevia
tions shall be a minimum of 9-point type (approximately .125 inch or 3 millimeters) if the words are
embossed or incised and 18-point type (approximately .25 inch or 6 millimeters) if the words are other
wise affixed to the container. A stamp or label may have the words “Iowa Refund 5¢º or “IA 5¢º in less
than 18-point type if the label is submitted to the department and the department determines that the
high-contrasting color or the characteristics of the stamp or label make the stamp or label as easy to
discern as a stamp or label with 18-point type.
107.3(3) The words “Iowa Refund 5¢º or “IA 5¢º shall be indicated by embossing (raised letters),
by incising, by printing in high-contrasting color, by a stamp or label of high-contrasting color, or other
method approved by the department securely and permanently affixed to the container.
107.3(4) Rescinded IAB 4/17/02, effective 5/22/02.
107.3(5) The words “Iowa Refund 5¢º or “IA 5¢º shall be on the top of a metal beverage container.
The words “Iowa Refund 5¢º or “IA 5¢º shall be on the conical portion of a glass or plastic beverage
container so that the words are visible from above or shall be on the product label. The placement of
refund information solely on the bottom of the beverage container is prohibited.

Redemption Value (CRV)

What are the CRV fees?

  • a 5¢ refundable deposit on beverage containers

Processing (Handling) and Redemption Fees

What is the handling fee?

  • 3¢ – paid by distributor to retailer or redemption center:
  • 1¢ -paid by Dealer Agents:

Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Wallace State Office Building
502 East Ninth Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Iowa Department of Revenue
​Hoover State Office Building
1305 E. Walnut
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) 281-3114

Compliance Alerts

This information is intended for winegrower licensees only. All information above is provided as an informational aid and is not legal advice. Data may be out-of-date or incomplete. Please consult a lawyer before taking any action.