Kentucky Direct-to-Consumer Shipping Delayed
Kentucky’s new law to allow for the direct-to-consumer (DTC) shipping of wine, beer and spirits by producers becomes effective on July 15. Wine Institute had hoped that the state would allow licensing and shipping to take place in parallel with the process of drafting and enacting the regulations. However, in response to Wine Institute’s direct inquiry on the timing of the DTC license/permit application and issuance process, Kentucky ABC Commissioner, Allyson Taylor, has informed us that shipments will not begin until the associated regulations are complete and effective.
The statutorily required process for enacting regulations in Kentucky is time-consuming and requires publication, comment period and legislative approval. We anticipate that it will be several months before licenses/permits will be issued and DTC goes “live” in Kentucky. Wine Institute will continue to work with the state to help ensure that the regulations and processes are as workable as possible and will keep members informed on developments.