Health & Safety Best Practices During COVID-19
Following Wine Institute’s recent webinar on workplace health and safety best practices related to the COVID-19 virus, we received many requests for examples of how to facilitate these health and safety protocols. Wine Institute collaborated with Dr. Karakousis, Associate Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Mr. Sarvadi, Partner at Keller Heckman, LLP, to create the following three health and safety best practice documents for responding during the COVID-19 outbreak. We are excited to share these resources with our members.
- Management of Employees Testing Positive or Presumed Positive for COVID-19
- Employee Management Policies for “Close Contacts” with COVID-19 Cases
- Recommended Cleaning Procedures Following Identification of an Employee Who Is Diagnosed or Tested Positive for COVID-19
Please note these protocols are to be used as guidance only and are evolving documents. The information included is relevant to the date on which it was last revised and employers should check back to ensure they have the latest version at the time of use.